Hey guys!
Today we are going to paint and get to know each other! I will answer some of your questions while painting and you guys can join me as well and just paint intuitively with me!
I don't have any specific picture in mind, because I just wanted to practice painting just freely, without any expectations. I just wanted to see what the paint and the random brush strokes will tell me!
There were so many questions, so I couldn't use them all, I'm sorry. I tried to combine them and I still had to leave out some of the questions. 🙁 Next time!
I want to challenge you guys to try this out as well and to send me pictures through my social media! I would love to see how your painting will look in the end and if this practice was helpful! Maybe you had some struggles with letting go of the mindset of trying to make this painting as perfect as possible even if you paint it intuitively without any initial idea.
I hope you enjoy this video and find it helpful!
Have a wonderful day everyone and see you next week!
