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5 Ways to Boost Your Artistic Confidence

artistic confidence

Artistic confidence or self-doubt?

Which of these is following you along your creative journey?

If you are here, the answer is probably self-doubt. And I can tell you: That is ok and you are not alone with this!

I’m pretty sure you can’t find anyone that has absolute confidence in their painting skills because painting is challenging!

BUT(!) you can boost your artistic confidence!!

You don’t have to doubt yourself and your abilities all the time. Today I have 5 ways to boost your confidence in your artistic abilities for you. Let's start with the one that might sound the most obvious to you:

#1 Learning by doing

Sometimes we spend so much time thinking, planning and overthinking, that we don’t get to actually do things. We want to wait until we feel more confident or get better at something.

But how are you going to be better at painting if you don’t really do it?!

Learning/Painting with watercolors is a very chaotic process with ups and downs, frustration and self-doubt. It is full of discoveries about watercolors and about yourself. And this is a good thing!

So focus on feeling excited about all the things you are going to learn and the development of confidence as you embrace the challenges!

Actually taking the time to practice, to learn how to navigate through stressful moments, will help you stay calm, enjoy the process, and help you be more patient with yourself so much more.

See there's only benefits of doing it!

You'll learn this and 4 more ways to boost your artistic confidence in my video below!

Ready to boost your artistic confidence? Good! I hope you've learned a lot from my video and you are able to overcome to leave your self-doubt aside for a bit and enjoy your art! If you want me to support you further along your creative journey, please click here to subscribe to my YouTube channel, so you won’t miss any of my future svideos!

And because supplies are a game changer! And I don’t want you to feel miserable about your paintings just because you’ve picked the wrong supplies! Here is some FREE guidance through the chaos of millions of supplies!

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