Have you read my last post about getting out of a creative rut? I hope it helped you as much as it helped me! But sometimes I need a little more than that to overcome my artist/creative block. And today I'm here to tell you the next steps are for you to spark your creativity and excitement for painting again!

What medium do you use for your art? Is it always the same medium? You're quiet used to it? You know what to do and how to do it? You know it inside out? There is no real challenge for you anymore?

Well, switch up your medium!

A new medium means you'll have to think about:

  • How to start the painting
  • How to use the medium
  • What style will work best
  • And how you can achieve it

In my video below I'll tell you more about how switching your medium will spark your creativity, joy and excitement for painting again. And you'll see me creating the same painting with different mediums.

If you like my video make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking here, so that you'll never miss one of my future videos.

Did today's video spark your creativity and excitement for painting but you feel like you need a little help to get started? Feel free to check out my free guides which you can find here. There might be something helpful for you in there. 😉